Conflict Resolution Comes In Handy When Chaos & Scheduling Cause Problems…
This morning I reviewed an email from Robert Kelley who had scheduled a wedding April 8 at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens and their date was cancelled due to...
This morning I reviewed an email from Robert Kelley who had scheduled a wedding April 8 at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens and their date was cancelled due to...
My niece Leigh Ann Blais called my sister frantic when our Latest Little Pawner Madyson fell out of her chair Tuesday evening. Prior to Leigh Ann moving, hospital visits...
This morning my twin sister was ready to get going to the gym. But first we needed to strip a table taken in trade through my sister site No Money?...
My Mini Me, Makenna Mahaney has to have everything perfect at all times- we are both OCD. My twin sister and Makenna’s twin, Maryssa prefer a good time, dressing...
Trudging through our Christmas List, the Little Pawners have added a volleyball tether which requires cement and a hole- it’s a good thing my brother in law, Steve Daniel...
At the end of a weary day- folks need a laugh. The reasons are many but at the end of the day, everything about lighthearted entertainment has a fan...
Families occasionally disagree, but families are permanent and whether you have inlaws or outlaws- looking beyond their flaws and rejoicing in your relationship with them is never more obvious...
Many of my readers submit some fairly interesting questions and I enjoy answering them with my saucy sidekick and twin sister, Cindy Daniel. Many of my readers wonder if...
Cindy hates going to the nail salon and the hair salon too, Cindy likes to be comfortable and often wears house shoes for regular shoes- Cindy likes to be...
Branding is the promoting of a particular brand or product to increase sales of the item. That’s where a brand ambassador comes in to promote, place and “pitch” the...