GingerTwin Cindy Daniel My Sidekick Sister & Her Idea Of The “Reverse Manicure”
Cindy hates going to the nail salon and the hair salon too, Cindy likes to be comfortable and often wears house shoes for regular shoes- Cindy likes to be comfortable and hates to dress up. My twin sister and I are compensating personality twins.
She’s usually rolling her eyes at my desire for perfection and loves to “wing it” and have a good time, guests at our events love her! Several months ago, I looked at her nails and asked what is going on with that polish? She said “oh, you mean my reverse manicure?” I laughed and said what are you talking about? Cindy explained that when her polish had grown out, she fills it in with more polish creating a “reverse manicure.”
Going to the nail salon with my twin sister for a manicure/pedicure often has the nail techs dragging out the power tools. Cindy has steel rods in her toes and absolutely cannot stand to have her feet touched but twice a year- I drag her into a salon for a pedicure anyway! Comfortable clothing is a must for her and when we were filming the Pawning Planners Pilot at my home aka WorthamWorld, Nick Lee asked us to out on something “dressy.” Cindy rolled her eyes and said “oh brother, Wendy is going to put me in some fancy shit again!” Cindy can’t stand the “fancy shit” and everyone will hear about it too because when Cindy’s uncomfortable- she complains!
Cindy is more interested in having fun than dressing up and our clothing styles are remarkably different mainly due to my years of working as a clothing model. I enjoy dressing up and like “fancy” clothes while Cindy likes to be able to move around without feeling like she’s been put “into a straitjacket!” Exaggerating the comfort levels of wearing a beaded jacket or bolero, you might assume that nails were poking her from the silk inner lining and, you would be wrong. Comfort first is the key to winning Cindy’s stamp of approval!
Last Christmas I had prescription lenses put into a pair of my vintage Christian Dior sunglasses and Cindy looked great in them. However, you will find her wearing her favorite Ray Ban sunglasses nearly daily because they are “more comfortable.”
She has the “Diva Style” Ray Bans too but never wears them because they aren’t as comfortable as her Wayfarers and let’s face it, everytime I try to bend Cindy into doing or wearing something I am it’s like pulling teeth around here! She wears sneakers with evening clothes and often prefers her house shoes to the sneakers. Cindy is also the creator of #Cindyism her “take” on our many adventures and Travels of the Texas Twins.
She is always ready for a laugh and “ready to roll” on to our next wedding or event with my Texas Twins Team and brings her Redneck Realty flair for comedy everywhere we go. She is of course, one in a million! We have never met a stranger and Cindy can work a “tough room” far better than I as apparently, I’m often bossy and not as “friendly” as my twin sister. The reason for this is (of course) in the boss, the leader and the ring leader which isn’t as “fun” but requires that I often need to control the room rather than entertaining it.
Cindy is usually watching everything and keeping up with the problems or issues that I may need to address while looking after our “Little Pawners” Maryssa and Makenna Mahaney who are often flower girls, ring bearers or ushers at our events and work for tips or flips of games and doll accessories.
I also put prescription lenses into a pair of my vintage cat eye glasses for Cindy but, her Ray Ban sunglasses will always be her go to favorites. These two sets of Texas Twins are often together and we enjoy #twinning in just about anything we do. We are very close and have a lot of fun together since Cindy can make me laugh or act goofy without feeling goofy. Yesterday I cut 6-8 inches off my hair without asking Cindy who won’t go to a salon for a hair cut, she cuts her own hair too. I sent her a text and told her that I was cutting my hair for Locks of Love. Her response was “pictures please” after texting her this photo, she said “okay, I will cut mine too.” Not okay, I will go get mine cut or take me to the salon because my sister doesn’t like anyone to cut her hair or even style it. She prefers to do it herself!
Last year when we had our first Skype interview with Good Clean Fun, I took Cindy to the mall to get out make up applied at the MAC counter dreading her various reasons and complaints about doing this instead of doing her own make up. I was shocked that rather than complaining- she actually enjoyed the process and was pleased with the results! Perhaps I am “swinging” her into being comfortable with a little pampering now and then? After 35 years of trying to get her comfortable with a little modest relaxation and having someone else do all the work- my next mission is to get her into a stone massage. Will she like it? Probably not but it will give her something to complain about and tell me all the reasons she hated it, that’s my GingerTwin for you, she isn’t high maintenance but she is hilarious!
Wendy M Wortham