Talking With The Twins- Meet The Pawning Planners A TwinTeam…
This morning my twin sister was ready to get going to the gym. But first we needed to strip a table taken in trade through my sister site No Money? No Problem! The Pawning Planners Take Trades.
Many of my loyal readers are often confused about The Pawning Planners and think we loan money on items submitted through the site, the truth is that we are actually pawning our services offered here at Texas Twins Events in exchange for their trade and after years of doing this- have yet to run across a furniture trade that didn’t need a lot of work! From stripping and staining to re-upholstering, the items you see at Texas Twins Treasures look nothing like the finished products offered for sale. The reason is that when taking a trade- I’m not concerned about the condition of furniture as long as it’s structurally sound. Everything in my home has been refurbished by me because I prefer unique and creative pieces and heavy tapestry fabrics. My “eye for design” often carries over to items submitted to The Pawning Planners. Bringing the beauty back to these pieces takes time and a little imagination😉
At first I had to be thrifty with my upholstery due to the expense but one day years ago, I decided to work with what I had rather than using the same fabric for an entire item and “have a little fun!” The result? A dramatic increase in sales and demand for my creative and artsy designs from LA to NY. My furniture has a tremendous following of buyers who appreciate my OCD tendencies when working on furniture. A Texas Twins Treasures item always features the finest heavyweight upholstery and my guarantee that it will last for years and years with proper care. All furniture is stain treated.
Today we decided to do a quick video and address questions about how we spend our time together, our new fitness journey and how we stay busy “off season” in my workroom-The Pawning Planners- A TwinTeam In My Workroom. I live on a schedule in order to address my clients, projects in my workroom and my fitness routine with Cindy.
My workload with clients events often runs from 75-115 events a year with an ethnically diverse group blended from Texas Twins Events and The Pawning Planners. It’s not unusual to run from a 300k wedding to one where the couple had less than $75 or, no money and submitted a trade. Every family is different and every story submitted to The Pawning Planners is reviewed by me especially if they have no trade and no money which is what we call a “sponsored event.” I’m the sponsor and my family donate their unique talents to pull everything together from officiating to photography and set up.
You see, Cindy and I don’t live together and both have husbands and households to run along with our events, Appraisal Appointments and projects. It’s true that we spend a lot of time together and even have the same doctors and dentists along with menopausal weight gain that we are determined to get rid of over the next year.
My 9 year anniversary is next weekend and although I’ve always planned on having a renewal of vows for my 10th anniversary, my husband thinks Cindy and I are overdoing it about losing weight and getting into shape. Men just don’t understand. For the first 5 years of my marriage I kept my weight under control but thyroid disease and a hysterectomy were a double whammy.
Next year will mark 10 years with Matthew and I’m determined to look good for it so, his suggestion of going out to eat two weeks into our diet went over like a lead balloon. We decided to go to a movie for our anniversary instead this weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing Scully.
It’s far easier to stay on track with a diet when you prepare your own meals and although I’m considering a cheat day to make him happy- I will order with caution since I’ve been working so hard to lose weight the past two weeks.
Cindy’s husband Steve also doesn’t worry about his weight because he’s within 2lbs of his high school weight at 65 years old.
Both of our husbands “love us just the way we are” but as women- we aren’t and never have been happy with this midlife weight gain.
Weddings and events pick up for me the last week of September so working gym time into my schedule takes careful planning and forcing myself to go with Cindy will keep us both on track.
We’ve both lost 2 lbs I’m out first week and know we have a long way to go but our desire to get into clothes that have been carefully stored for “when we lose weight” will be waiting for us as a reward!
Our mini me twins, Maryssa and Makenna are stepping it up by hitting their trampoline and using the treadmill downstairs in Cindy’s basement and her daughter Stephaney will be joining us at the gym on her days off.
Wendy M Wortham