
Refreshing Your Skin With Skin Brushing For Weddings & Parties

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Responsible for 1/4 of the body’s detoxification each day, many women are unaware that brushing your skin brightens, builds collagen, rejuvenates and best of all— REDUCES CELLULITE!

What is cellulite? The term cellulite refers to dimpled appearance of the skin often appearing on hips, thighs , and the buttocks. Women are more prone to cellulite than men are because of the differences in the way fat, muscle and connective tissue are distributed in men and womens skin. The lumpiness of cellulite is caused by fat deposits that push and distort connective tissue beneath the skin, leading to characteristic changes in the appearance of the skin.

Many salons offer herbal wraps and treatments to reduce cellulite, however the success of these treatments have not been proven or reported in medical studies or literature while wraps may decrease fluid retention and improve skin appearance of the skin temporarily, it is not a lasting way to lose weight, tighten skin or prevent cellulite.

Often mistake for Cellulitis, cellulite is NOT related in any way to Cellulitis which is a dangerous bacterial infection that spreads in soft tissue from a cut, scrape, bite or other injury to the skin. Cellulitis can become blood born an must be treated by a physician as soon as possible to prevent serious consequences of the infection.

When your skin is full of toxic materials, it is reflected with dimpling, blemishes and loses the smooth time and texture we all desire.

The practice of skin brushing may sound “old school” with today’s consumers flooded with creams, wraps, and ultra sonic promises of youth and beauty. However, it’s perhaps one of the cheapest and most effective way to care for your body and well being. Dry brushing your skin will stimulate natural healing pathways within your body and will encourage nerve beds within skins structure to clear the lymphatic system.

Your skin is the primary sign of toxic build up within your body. Irritated, dry and scratchy skin is a signal that you should address not with creams or lotions but by using a dry brush to clean and rejuvenate.

Your body possesses numerous ports of elimination of toxins that include your face, mouth, armpits and insides of upper thigh regions as well as your feet and toe nails.

Did you know that body odor is an indicator of lymphatic overload?

Skin is porous and can absorb toxins directly from the environment. Caustic chemicals like alkaline solutions can penetrate the skin. Once a chemical penetrates the stratum corneum (most superficial layer of skin) , it moves through the epidermis into the dermis.

Skin is one of the optimal ways to getting to your endocrine system and all the glands it reaches very quickly. In addition, at the same time, brushing and stimulating the skin increases circulation. Increasing blood flow and circulation helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.

When brushing your skin, you will remove dead skin cells which will improve your skins texture and cell renewal. The effect of a good brushing will discharge metabolic waste by stimulating the lymph canals to drain toxic mucoid matter into your colon. This action enables your lymph system to detoxify blood and organs. After several days of brushing, you may notice gelatinous mucoid in your BM. Your muscle tone will improve and you will attain a more even distribution of fat deposits.

While eliminating clogged pores has become very popular for your face- the body needs attention too and with summer holidays, sleeveless dresses and wedding season here, what better time to start?!

Ladies, cellulite is a sign of toxic materials accumulating in your fat cells as they are unable to be eliminated. Most women are unaware that even liposuction WILL NOT remove cellulite! In fact, liposuction without removing skin will leave you with sagging skin as you age as removing fat leaves no support for the skin so, skin sags with no muscle or fat to fill it out (something most plastic surgeons “forget” to mention.)

Here’s what you will need to start:

1. A natural NOT SYNTHETIC bristle brush preferably vegetable

2. A brush with a long handle to be able to reach your back and hips.

3. You should brush skin every morning prior to bath or shower although, if you are suffering from a cold, sinus or ear infection, I suggest brushing morning and evening until your health improves.

4. Begin brushing in long sweeping strokes starting at the soles of your feet upwards, and from the hands towards the shoulders, and on the torso in an upward direction. You are brushing towards your heart with overlapping strokes in each area with a firm not scraping motion but enough that your stroke penetrates the skin you will immediately notice your heart rate improve and breathing become freer.

5. If you have a cut or scrape on any area, be sure to avoid it to or event infection.

6. To further invigorate your skin in the shower you can also switch from hot to cooler water temperature. After your shower, a pure plant oil is always refreshing. I suggest almond, jojoba, sesame or coconut.

7. Don’t forget to clean your brush with sops and water once a week and allow it to air dry to prevent molding

8. After three months of skin brushing, you will have thoroughly cleansed your lymphatic system

Although there are blood vessels in the epidermis, the dermis is rich with blood vessels, and the epidermis receives nutrients and oxygen from the dermis.

Pay particular attention to cellulite prone areas like your thighs. The abdomen a clockwise motion.

Remember that a firm stroke need not be a “rough” or painful stroke, use a strike as you would to brush your hair not firm enough to either scratch or break the skin. The entire process should take 8-10 minutes.

Brushing children’s skin will relax them, especially if they are ill. Similar to a massage for your body.

Always a good massage is good for everyone but, with busy schedules and tight budgets for a wedding or other event- do something for yourself, you’ll be glad you did!
