
Public Speaking- Why Reading Your Own Vows Can Be Stressful For Couples…

I always encourage my clients to add an additional element to ceremonies in order to make their wedding special.  On a few occasions we’ve encountered a few stage fright issues once the Bride and Groom realized a crowded room of their family and friends were watching.  “Chilling out” isn’t as easy as it sounds when something goes wrong.  But, when you have an experienced wedding officiant and coordinator- you’re in good hands to overcome your stage fright because I’ve gone over the details and advised you that you can’t do anything wrong in front of your family and friends because they are here to support and rejoice with you. 

Wedding Day With Wendy Wortham of Texas Twins Events & The Pawning Planners
Many clients think that “saving” their vows on a cell phone or tablet is a good idea- it isn’t because your friends and family are going to be blowing up your phone on the wedding day and a dead battery may very well leave you “speechless!” 

Families & Fun Make Your Wedding Photos Special- Don’t Panic Have A Good Time
I often advise clients that it is very important to have fun on your wedding day instead of trying to get everything perfect.  Why?  Because something unexpected almost always happens and your attitude on how to overcome it is key to not letting anything ruin your day.

Handwriting your vows is always best even if you think you’ve memorized them because once you are standing in front of a roomful of people, you could easily get jittery and forget what you wanted to say.

Why do ministers always read the ceremony?  Like you we too like to be prepared and if you have customized your ceremony reading- we may not have had time to memorize it.  Reading the “script” allows for us to be creative and “work in” your handwritten vows, unity candle, rose giving, hand blessing or sand ceremony by “picking up where we left off.” 

Wendy Wortham- A Jack Of All Trades
I wear a lot of hats.  From wedding officiant to coordinator to photographer to appraiser and everything in between- myself and my staff are prepared to do whatever is necessary on location even if it isn’t part of our job description!  The reason for this is that my multigenerational family and I have worked together for 6 years at over 623 different events and recognize that unexpected events while on location can sometimes require a team to overcome the arbor that fell down, the bride with the bloody nose or the bride that broke her tooth and everything in between.  It’s really hard to shock myself or my staff with our previous experience because we’ve pretty much seen anything and everything that can go wrong from torrential rain at an outdoor wedding to a hailstorm and “muddled through” by working together to overcoming nearly anything from inlaws and outlaws to bad weather or a groom throwing up on my vestment (yes, it has happened and more than once) to a tree falling mid ceremony from a lightning storm the day before forcing us to move the chairs and ceremony location on short notice. 

Our Second Generation Twins- Maryssa & Makenna Mahaney AKA The Little Pawners Often Volunteer At Events As Flower Girls & Ring Bearers
I recently wrote a blog regarding “real people” at our events because when you work with low to middle class consumers- you often meet a few characters too- The Pawning Planners Help Anyone Regardless Of Their Income!

When it comes to Dream Events, we are committed to not only helping you calm down prior to your “big moment” but also to ensuring your event is beautiful with loaned bouquets, bouteniers, cake stands, and more.  Creating an inventory wasn’t easy but it was necessary for our clients who had no money for the “extras.” 

Massey Dream Event With Loaned Bouquet Courtesy Of Wendy Wortham & Texas Twins Treasures
I loan my inventory to 80% of my client base who appreciate not having to buy items they will only use once.  Offering low cost photography or no cost based on the client, my photography team consists of my son and daughter in law- Robert & Stephanie Hafele. 

 Having a stressful time with your inlaws and outlaws? My hilarious sidekick and twin sister Cindy Daniel will keep you and your guests entertained with her one liners and comedy relief!

Rounding out the team are my niece and our bilingual translator, Stephaney Mahaney and our wedding singer Leigh Ann Blais along with Maryssa and Makenna Mahaney.

Need two photographers and a videographer?  My best friend Tammi Leggett is on hand to help out.

Need help setting up or tearing down?  My assistant, Anne Rowe Alexander is on hand to join the team on location. 

     Changing the wedding and events industry “one barter at a time” has been an adventure for my family and I as we move into our 7th year but, we’ve given the gift of a beautiful event to hundreds of families while sharing our unique journey through my blogs, videos and updates to document our journey because I’m planning to write a book that will give you more insight to the joys, sorrows and triumphs we’ve shared as a family and as a team committed to overcoming every obstacle.

Don’t worry about saying or doing the “wrong” thing at your event because if people are laughing- they are laughing with you and not at you.  Have a good time and remember that your event is a celebration of love and laughter…

Wendy M Wortham No money? No problem! We Take Trades-The Pawning Planners!