
Flower Girls & Ring Bearers Bring Beauty to Weddings

Often, some of the more hilarious weddings I’ve done have included children.

Unexpected outbursts and tantrums aside, our twins Maryssa and Makenna Mahaney have loved being flower girls at events since they were two years old.

I think it started with Disney movies that place a young girl as the princess. Often, we forget the important elements of your wedding party (aside from the Bride and Groom of course) are those who’ve spent time at fittings, money on their attire and time out of their day to honor you by showing up and being a part of something special with you.

The flower girl or girls, are a precious addition to any wedding party. So adorable in their gowns as they walk down the aisle, the question of how they became entrenched in wedding tradition can be traced back through the centuries. The meaning of the flower girl duties have remained fairly stable throughout the passing ages and even into modern times- a great feat considering how much other wedding traditions have changed! Always a representation of the beauty and joy of youth, the flower girl is a beacon of whimsy. The petals she scatters are viewed as a symbol of fertility, giving the couple good luck. In the past, herbs were scattered as a way to ward off evil but, the main idea of the transformation of the Bride from childhood, as represented by the flower girl, was and still is a major focus.

Children will always be an important element in you wedding and if your ring bearer of flower girl dashes off in the wrong direction, don’t panic. Most of us have seen it before and, if Maryssa and Makenna are in your wedding party- you can trust that they will be perfectly poised and patient.

These twins love a wedding as much as I do.






