
Taking a photo next to a casket?! Funeral Manners Dictate Otherwise

Okay, there are some things I could never predict at religious events!

Taking a “selfie” is one that I never expected, as is tripping over the casket, throwing up in an urn and other things that usually normal folks have done at a ceremony.

Younger adults think every event is a photo op and, sadly for the grieving family, it ruins the rest of a graveside ceremony.

Texting or talking on your phone during a ceremony might be tolerated by other Ministers, but not by me. I will immediately redress with my eyes inappropriate behavior at an event that is meant to respect the deceased and the family present to honor him or her. If giving the “stink eye” fails to grab the attention of an unruly guest, I will stop speaking and ask them to address the group- this is always effective!

But, having someone jump out and take a photo of themselves for a Facebook check in has to be one of the most over the top self involved things I’ve ever seen.

Parents, if you think for one second that you are incapable of controlling teenagers at an important ceremony like a celebration of life- perhaps you should leave them at home.

I took the phone from this happy photographer and continued the eulogy but, must tell you that had that been my daughter, I would’ve made her go sit in the car.

