
Family Pets, Slumber Parties & Fun With The Little Pawners At WorthamWorld 

Maryssa and Makenna Mahaney love coming over to spend the night and, Foxy Wortham gets frisky and fun loving when the twins are here.  

Wortham Family Pet- Foxy Wortham
Normally, I pick them up after school and bring them home with me. Sleepovers provide hours of fun for our feisty beagle, Foxy Wortham.

Maryssa Mahaney
For some reason, the twins think that life at my house is exciting.  I have a grocery store one block away we walk to and a park across the street with my son located a block away we either walk or ride bikes to destinations around my home.

Cindy’s home is located on a hill and there are no sidewalks which had posed a problem for the twins wanting to “try out” their latest acquisition of these hover boards. 

 This weekend they brought their new hover boards and while Maryssa took off quickly, Makenna was not so sure footed.  With my left metatarsal bone still on the mend from my Christmas Eve wedding “incident” I’m not about to even try the Hoverboard but my husband Matthew did and loved it. 

Matthew Wortham at WorthamWorld
Cindy and I have no interest in mastering this new toy but recognize that a fall could and would be dangerous for anyone and of any age. 

Maryssa Helps Her Twin
Makenna Explains Her Fears To Maryssa
Together, The Twins “Take Off”
 The Girls had been begging for these items for months but, had to save their allowances in order to buy them because we believe that if you want something badly enough, you’ve got to be willing to work for it.
Makenna took off on her roller skates with no problems but Maryssa is unsure of herself and fearful of a fall.  Compensating personality twins often excel at one thing while the other twin does not and apparently, sports are no exception.

Celebrating a surprise birthday party for Samantha Leggett today, the Texas Twins Events Team of myself, Cindy Daniel, Stephaney Mahaney and twins Maryssa and Makenna travelled over to CASA Leggett for some festivities after a lengthy walk for me and Hoverboard ride for the twins. 

Next weekend will prove busy for the team when we surprise Samantha’s mom, Tammy Leggett with lunch and a party at my favorite restaurant, Blue Sushi on Saturday with the double baby shower for Brooke Blumfeld and Joanna Magee on Sunday afternoon.

My dedicated readers will recall that Cindy and I had purchased numerous baby girl clothes expecting that at least one of these young ladies would be having a girl but, they are both having boys so I quickly ran out to buy numerous items for the shower and by chance while on FB today, saw a post from our dear friend, Tom McAvoy (owner of the Rainbow Lounge) who welcomed a baby grand daughter today and the family had expected a boy and were blessed with a girl.  I quickly messaged him to advise him that I had numerous girl outfits, shoes and accessories and would bring them by the club for his daughter.  Sometimes everything works out after all!

Foxy Wortham really enjoyed the twins visit but after they left today, promptly propped up his feather pillows and took a long nap.   

Having the twins here is always exciting for Foxy and he forgets that he’s not a puppy anymore chasing them here, there and everywhere.  As we look forward to their next visit, I’m sure he will be back to jumping four feet trying to steal food out of their hands soon enough. 

Foxy Wortham Takes A Break
Preparing for the Valentine Day Festivities tomorrow, I’m feeling a little exhausted myself and looking forward to a good nights sleep…

Wendy M Wortham