Why Payment For Services Is Due Two Weeks Prior To Your Event Date…
Like anyone else, I have bills to pay, a website developer that enjoys being paid and a staff that expects compensation. Recently, I’ve had a flood of folks wanting...
Like anyone else, I have bills to pay, a website developer that enjoys being paid and a staff that expects compensation. Recently, I’ve had a flood of folks wanting...
My first contact with a client is generally by phone, email or through my sister website- No Money? No Problem- We Take Trades! The Pawning Planners. Although the gap between...
Leaving WorthamWorld yesterday, I drove around the corner to pick up my son and his wife, Robert & Stephanie Hafele before driving to Weatherford to pick up our mini...
A lot of things have changed this past year with one of them being the legalization of same sex marriage in Texas. Gone are the days of driving to...
My journey has never been based on “getting rich first” mainly because I’ve always had to work hard to earn a living. Most folks had parents or grandparents to...
Yesterday morning I sent a text to both wedding parties to double check on whether they needed anything at the last minute prior to heading to my first wedding...
My sister is unfiltered and funny as heck because she “calls em as she sees em!” I was just glancing over a blog she posted several months ago titled...
It’s complicated to understand the hows and whys of business that target families with little or no money. After all why would anyone want to help people that couldn’t...
This season has kept us pretty busy, and this weekend was no exception. On location squabbles upset me to no end. Our three adult children seem to enjoy arguing-...
Every year we get a fairly creative request for a family liquidation. Whether they are moving or giving up a storage unit, these folks are downsizing to save money...