
Baby Naming, Blessing and Baptism Why Naming Ceremonies Cross all Religious & National Boundaries

The tradition of embracing new life as a part of the community began in ancient times, children are a gift from God.

Ceremonies through me are often centered upon the wishes of the parents, the grandparents and the Godparents. I’ve always encouraged participation when planning a ceremony to include poems, scriptures or personal elements because I believe that being a parent or playing a role in a child’s life is a great honor.

I include promises to the participants and guests that “First and foremost, this ceremony is a celebration. But the second important element is a consideration of responsibility, not only of the parents but of everyone connected to the family of this child.”

Next, I address Godparents if there any, with special promises by the Godparents or Grandparents to the child. There are many other referring names for Godparents that include but are not limited to… Guide Parents, Guardians, Sponsors and Mentors.

Then, the Parents affirm their commitment to the child in the form of a promise, poem, statement, blessing or gift. I also encourage sibling to be involved with this important moment if there are siblings.

Grandparents, Parents and Participants are always included in my ceremonies as it is my belief that a child raised by a village of member to love, teach and care for this child will learn responsibility, empathy and compassion which will then be taught to the children born to the child in later years. It is a great honor for any parent to have the support of their family, their friends and their community.

Readings can be in many forms. A poem, a song, a benediction, and a blessing may be read by parents, grandparents, Godparents, relatives or friends. Common at such an occasion are religious or non religious readings, hymns, favorite poems, family stories or Biblical passages. The content is based upon the wishes of the family.

My role is that of a Celebrant and I address the parents “As a symbol of his/her life and the hope for a bright and happy future, I invite you to light a candle representing your wish for a full life of everlasting love.” This can be changed to the wishes of the parents in any way they choose to alter my role as a Minister or Celebrant.

Symbolism from family, friends or guests can take many forms that can be a family heirloom, gift, token, recital or whatever visual dimension is of importance to them.

Signing the baby book is something if an honor to the family by guests, friends and myself.

Closing words to this ceremony can come from myself, the parents or a significant relative of the baby.

The child is then welcomed into the world by formally announcing the full name.

Baptism means dipping into. There are two significant ways to understand this. One is the dipping into or being immersed in water. Anointing in oil or, hand blessings and also Holy Water not immersing the child are appropriate to the ritual.

As always, the input of the parents and honored family guests are what create a unique and loving celebration of the child being the center of the ceremony.

Creating a unique and custom ceremony will always be an important element to me as I believe it is to the family.



